As is my custom at the end of each year... I ask the Spirit of God to speak to me regarding what is coming next. The word FOCUS as the word of the year for 2007, has been magnified to me repeatedly ... the following came forth as I sought further clarity surrendering to the gift of prayer:

Father thank You for revealing YourSelf to me... to us.  Bless You for sending Jesus as Your example of love, truth and life eternal ... giving all the opportunity to seek and knock ... that heaven's door of eternity may be opened.... by faith. Thank You for offering us life in time and in eternity ... a loving relationship with You, in our now ... motivating all our ways of Being through the union of our hearts.

Thank You for awakening our souls from spiritual death... for fine tuning our spiritual senses...  for giving us a listening heart and a desire for Your truth ... a heart freed to choose ... for the sake of love, truth and true righteousness.  Thank You for spiritual eyes ... Your eternal eyes which brings all into focus according to the unfolding of Your eternal plan for each of us, individually and as a spiritual family.  

You give us life and it more abundantly .... the breath of life, death and an resurrected life through our journey of time into eternity .... we who are Your inheritance... eternal spiritual Beings ... new creations ... created in the image of You as our Father... we who reside in the world through our flesh, but are no longer of it in Spirit and truth. 

For this many of us are truly grateful... we carry Your desire that others may choose to know and be transformed, thus revealing Your eternal Kingdom established on earth as it already exists in the spirit of heaven... creating a new heaven and a new earth through sowing seeds of love and truth, gathered in our time with You.

As Your spiritual offspring we desire to be like You in spirit and in truth ... we admire and love the You, You have revealed YourSelf to Be... replacing the You we conceptualized through limited awareness of the reality of You and an intimate relationship with You... on many realms.

What a joy it is to experience such with Your transformative powers on a daily basis, with an awareness I we need not fear nor hate .... all is unfolding according to Your loving plan.  

Bless You for Your assurance through love... the love of Who You are and who I we are becoming as Your eternal Spiritual family.  Thank You for the understanding, wisdom and revelation knowledge You impart daily as we journey together in our journey of time and eternity..  

May those of Your choosing stand as One... in union with the purity of Your heart's desire.  May we stand in spirit and in truth with Christ... though Christ... as the Spirit of Christ resurrected in us all... bringing the truth of Your words into focus.  May we stand as the New Jerusalem... a city of light, come down from above... with the promise of a new heaven and a new earth.... in time and eternity.

Bless You, thank You ... as One heart the Spirit and the Bride can say come ... may the Spirit of Jesus come quickly bringing all into focus!  Bless You Father... for bringing all into focus... in our journey of time through eternity with You. 

May we ever choose to rejoice with You with grateful and contented hearts as all comes into focus.... as a journey of time... within eternity.