pondering over what I believe is revealed to me through my spiritual
relationship with the Spirit of the Lord... confirmed through others with
the mind of Christ, I asked Father to write through me... for clarity,
not just for myself but for those of His choosing. The following
thought process took place.... I am led to offer the words I received. In
my life... this is simply another form of prayer... communion. It is one of the
ways I am matured and released Spiritually as I wait upon the anointing of
the Spirit of the Lord.
as One I send in My Name ... I revealed to your inner most
Being the Gospel, the life of Jesus Christ is incomplete without His
resurrection as your life ... without an awareness of My resurrection power activated
in and through My creation.... releasing My Kingdom on earth as it
already exists as the Spirit of truth and righteousness � goodness �
excellence established at the foundation of the world.
spoken and made evident to many � you are overflowing with healing
power and faith in the opened mysteries of My truths. You are rightly
discerning I Am evolving you through all manner of subtle intensities
of consciousness,
correctly discern ... it is I Am Who imparted within your
Spirit, through Our union, the Spirit of Jesus Christ was
resurrected and returned in a glorified body.... in an earthen
vessel.... to a remnant of My choosing .... manifesting the truth of
eternal life, the truth of the embodiment of Our union through
unconditional love .... of My
never leaving or forsaking� of My
Being... of My desire to Be with... to awaken the Spirit of My life essence
... love � within, through each of My children in all your ways
in spirit and truth� making known Christ is all and in all.
I reveal to you it is I Who created the concept of good and
evil.... life and death ... All necessary for you to choose an
eternity of love, holiness and a righteous life with My fullness
as a co-creator ..... All necessary for you to come into
perfection as the One you were conceived of Being. You honor Me with
your love as you surrender to My love... My will...
My wisdom.. My thoughts... My ways... My Being... My workings within your
heart, My Divinity within and through you ... facing fears, enduring
the trials of life with ever increasing faith ... Through such
you entered My rest and abide ... in an inner knowing that you know, that
you know .... You experience
the limitations of weakness and the power of My strength to carry you and keep
you� another. You understand It
is I Who brought you to this state of Being having drawn you with revelation
knowledge, expanding your consciousness through the unfolding of My eternal plan
of goodness � releasing My power, infusing understanding, and revelation
love desires, thinks and does what is best for all .... you offer the
intimacy of such as evidence of Our union and My favor. Through the
meeting of Our mind, reconciliation, you trust My love. You trust
My wisdom. You trust My will. You trust Who I reveal MySelf to Be... within
and among you. Because I ask, You let go of Your concept of Me,
of yourself, of another, of My words, of all that is. You let go of
your life that you might receive the life I conceived you for. You surrender
all I ask ... you receive and impart that which I offer through My
resurrection power .... not simply for your well being but for the benefit of
all; that I may be known and experienced as a spiritual reality� sustaining
the teachings of My Son through Our
union, that Christ may be revealed as all and in all. Through such a union
We share great love and joy. Through such a union I intervene in times of great
need � I send you with faith, hope and love. Through such a union you put off
childish ways, childish thinking. Through such a union you mature� you see
clearly through My eyes of eternity. Through
such a union knowing comes. Through such a union encouragement, miracles,
opportunities, choices are offered as evidence of My
existence and interaction. I created you to Be such a life giving Spirit
of grace ... one likened unto the Son of My begetting ... a vessel conceived to
carry My glory� to understand� to reveal My Spirit� to be a worthy Bride
and lover.
My quickened Spirit you discern openly My resurrection power changes
earthly vessels to possess ... keep .... My glorified body... to
maintain an awareness of My will... My potential� My manifest
Presence� My Spirit
alive within those who choose to receive� to wake up� to loose their life
that they may find it� through My resurrection power. You were shown in
your Spirit such is for your now ... and asked to receive affirmation. Without
their awareness of your hearts cry and My words to you, I sent
another to you, having given them a vision of you in a glorified body, by
way of acknowledgement of the simplicity of
My present truth. You
were conceived to trust Me� to trust in My promises, to trust My revelations
knowledge, to trust Whom I reveal MySelf, My truths to be, Who I reveal You to
Be� in time and eternity.
My resurrection power lives through you as an eternal spiritual being.... as all
I desire to Be through you.... for you, as the you I created you to Be to reveal
My glory... My Divine essence in an earthen vessel, as a holy, righteous,
loving, mature daughter of mine. One made ready for her bridegroom.
I revealed to Jesus Who He was as My only begotten son... through
His resurrected Spirit, I disclosed to you who you are as My daughter� as My
inheritance� as His consecrated bride. One conceived in love... though love...
as My love sent. One who walks in My favor ... for Kingdom
I gave you the understanding... at the foundations of the world I breathed
My eternal Spirit into My creation.... as a seed of life planted�
waiting to arise from the depths. I awaken ... I Am in all of My
creation, nothing exists without Me... all exists through Me... all exists for
Me... as Me.... Christ all and in all, redeemed at the foundation of the world
through My eternal plan ... I Am making known wherever, whatever, whoever you
choose to Be... I Am.... always within � I send you to Be who I created
you to Be�. a Light reflecting
the light of the world�. reflecting
the Light of My resurrected Son. Like
Jesus� you are sent in the fullness of time and eternity to express My essence
according to My unfolding. You will
do greater works than He� for I
promise such. I promise it for those who seek My hearts desire and for those
yet in need of hope� that
they too may hear, see and know� My
love� My truth � My will for them� and run to My living Word embracing it
as their own�. Our own.
the words I made alive within you when I called you to Be a listening heart�
at one with My heartbeat, �My heart speaks of My very life, My life speaks of
My Essence, My Essence speaks of My Being, My Being speaks of My creation, and
My creation is good before Me�. It
is time for My creation to awaken,
to Be �. to discover afresh and
receive anew� My goodness, My fullness, My light, My Spirit, to receive
wholeness, to see as I see�. to see through My eternal eyes�
to hear My Words� to enter My eternal rest, with an awareness there is
only now in eternity and it is in eternity that you know and are known with,
through, as love.
Spirit of Love is eternal�. Love envelops All.
you rightfully discern through revelation knowledge My Spirit is made known
through earthen vessels ... through you � My
Spirit embodies those anointed to communicate my eternal Kingdom of Light
and Righteousness.... My Kingdom of love in spirit and truth established at the
foundations of the world. Yes, the light and love of Christ consumes
darkness ... it translates ... transitions ... transforms ... transcends
... restores �renews � resurrects� regenerates � restrains � releases
� sanctifies � serves �
honors� imparts � justifies �
enlightens � endures � forgives � consecrates
� conforms with eternal
dynamic energy.... illuminates My
truth and righteous judgments... My mercy... My grace... My potential... My Divine
mysteries. It instills My favor and
makes it known.
Spirit and truth you embraced My gift of eternal life � That I Am �
gift of unconditional love � You chose to love unconditionally in return.
you for choosing to Be through My fullness without reservation.
you for loving Me through what was� is.... is to come in your eternal
Being a surrendered vessel of faith offering hope and love�
choosing My servant�s heart...
vessel willing to possess and be possessed by�
a cloak of humility...
My Spirit in truth and holiness�
rest in My unfolding.'