Spirit of Christ...Thank You for revealing Your faithful to speak to us... especially when we ask. Thank You for making us aware of Your voice... and even when we do not ask...  thank You for intervening in our lives.... working it out for the good... even though we might not fully understand Your intent.  Thank You... that we can hear Your thoughts.... Thank You for magnifying Your voice within us... and making Yourself heard especially now as planet earth.. and humanity goes through this new season of it�s existence. Thank You  empowering us... for revealing to each of us our parts as Your children... in Your plan for humanity during this powerful manifestation of Your love and pure Consciousness. Thank You for Your love and inner peace.... Thank You for loving us... and allowing us to love You in return.  Thank You that we have been offered  the mind of Christ..  Christ's Consciousness... which is daily renewing the spirit of our natural mind... making our spirits... our will's and abilities at one with Yours Father... so You can manifest Your goodness from within Your children. Thank You for the family of God... that I might know You through the lives of those You touch me through....and so they can know YOU in and through my own life as well.  Thank You for confirming and establishing Who You are to us and who we are to You. We are Your inheritance... may we ever honor You through our existence. May all know we are Your children ...  we are the bride of Christ...  the new Jerusalem... established on earth... through our love one for another... having begun through Your love for us... and our returned love to You... and Yours.  Dad ... thank You that You have given us spiritual eyes to see the eternal miracles... the healings... the power of Your abiding Presence in  our own lives and the lives of those You bring across our paths.... may we glean one from another... that which You offer as Your spiritual bread for our day... and receive it with joy and peace.... and a heart of gratitude and contentment.... and then be empowered to share that which You impart and desire to give ... exponentially.  

Thank You... for Your gift of the Holy Spirit which is manifested in many... many ways... such as... to name only a few...  through the gift of praying in a prayer language which is a foreign tongue according to man's limited understanding... and for the interpretation of these tongues whereby You clearly speak ... and for the miracles which have followed as a sign and something to be wondered about in Your Presence.  Thank You for abiding Presence.... for Your words of prophecy... Your promises to us... for Your words of knowledge and wisdom... for Your spiritual discernment... and spiritual understanding... which has gone forth... and will continue to do so according to Your plan.... not simply within organized meetings... where some gather in Your name... but in each of our day to day lives in whatever form You deem for the moment. Thank You for eyes to recognize and a heart to receive.   Thank You that we can fearlessly let go of our limited concepts... perspectives... human reasoning's...  with complete trust in YOU and embrace Your truth and Your life as our own. Thank You for revealing Your plan to man.... and considering us to be a friend. Thank You for being the lover of our soul... and for caring for us as only a loving and wise dad... or gracious sweetheart of a husband truly can.  Thank You for releasing man from false teachings and illusions...  and for revealing Your truth, as we are able to receive... and live in that truth.  Thank You for preparing us to receive... and enabling us to do so... as we ever walk forward... to become eternally the person You created us to Be. Thank You for Being You and for Your part in Being through us. Thank You merciful father...  sweet lover... we surrender to YOUR power... may it Be manifested through each of us.. according to YOUR will.. timing and purpose.  Thank You that Your power comes through a heart which is pure towards You.... a compassionate heart. Thank You for making our hearts pure that we clearly see and know You and see ourselves from Your perspective... sinless... as Your child.... sinless and Holy as the Bride of Christ.   Thank You... You choose to not remember past sins which would keep us bound to guilt and condemnation... as You keep us in Your ever present unconditional love.  Thank You for enabling us to forgive... to include forgiving ourselves as we repent for that which we have done which has harmed Your creation or hindered Your perfect will .... to include ourselves and those we love the most. Thank You for purifying our hearts... through the mind of Christ..... through the Holy Spirit ... the essence of Christ...  which ever abides within us through Your sovereign plan.... causing us to  remain ... causing us to recognize who we are as Your child.... and Who YOU are as our loving dad.... spiritual bridegroom... spirit of life within.  Thank You that You are multifaceted... and You have created us to Be multifaceted... multidimensional  like YourSelf.  Thank You... we live in Your Presence... recognizing ourselves as having been created to become the bride of Christ... as we embrace You as the lover of our soul in our ever present... eternal now.  We celebrate with YOU... as co-creators with You... in Your creation... and that which has been birthed through our having become united as one heart... as Jesus prayed for us long ago. Thank You that we can rest in Who You are and who we are... through Your life essence.. through Your breath of life... having been offered to us... giving us eternal life... beginning now.. and not just when we leave this body as we presently experience it.  Thank You that mortality has put on immortality... as we are filled with the Spirit of Jesus Christ... according to Your divine eternal plan and our life will continue with an awareness of You and Your infinite ... eternal love. Thank You for Your awareness's... for Your Consciousness... for Your universal Consciousness... for Your thoughts and life from within. We receive Your will... with a heart abandoned to You through love and gratitude.... as offered by grace.  We come before You as one... united with Your heart for man... embracing that which YOU have imparted by faith. Glorify YourSelf within us ... with sign and wonders as Your Spirit creates that which You intended as the best for each of Your Own. Thank You that YOUR Kingdom has come on earth... as it is already established in heaven... and was established at the foundations of the world.... and it is growing... as it covers the earth.... having birthed a new heaven and a new earth... a new spiritual Jerusalem from within.  Thank You for opening the flood gates of heaven... for opening our eyes and ears and for awakening Your Holy Spirit within Your creation.  Bless You... May you bask in our ever abiding love and gratitude.  Love You sweet Jesus... gentle Holy Spirit... love You all encompassing father... precious Papa ...  I think I always have... and I always will...  Thank You for bringing me to this state of being... this state of awareness in and through You.... and Your eternal plan for man. May these words bear the fruit You intended. Thank You for creating me to become one desires to know You and love You as much as it is possible in this life time and beyond... and for being one who desires Your perfect will... and to reveal the beauty of YOU and who You have been and are... in this life we enjoy together. 


This Prayer and Meditation is a Chapter in the Free On-Line Spiritual Reality Book: A Journey in Time ~ Holy Spirit Inspired Prayers.  It is available as a Free On Line Download and in days to come will be available for sale in a Book Format, for those who prefer such.

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