May I suggest: it is not simply about being loved by our
Heavenly Father, as our Dad, Daddy or whatever you are comfortable calling
and trusting Him for the blessings of His Kingdom He promises to mankind ...
it is about loving HIM in return through our conscious choices no matter how
our lives are turning out.. no matter what the maturation process is ....
recognizing the daily unfolding of our lives is part of His revealed
will for us and all will work out for the good... HE having ordained it
to be so at the foundations of the world and reveals to us by way of
encouragement, through written and spoken words... words His Spirit
within man inspires and which remain and continue to this day.
May I suggest... Our journey of faith is partly about
becoming Who He created us to Be...... in relation to Him ...
others ... the world around us and through the circumstance we and
others find ourselves living, with HIS integrity as it is revealed and
developed within for His sake and the sake of all of His Kingdom and
those who choose to abide within it. Our chosen ways of
being... (it's not just about what we do but who we are choosing to be
within... and throughout each day, privately before Dad and publicly
when we are the least aware), develop our character... for all of
eternity as we live out our lives as eternal Spiritual Beings...
through the baptism that Jesus was baptized with: Matthew
20:23: 'And
he saith unto them, Ye
shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism
that I am baptized with.' Having
chosen to surrender to His purposes for our life ... knowing we are to
know Jesus... not only with ... through the power of HIS resurrection, but
through... with the fellowship of HIS suffering, we can rejoice even if we do
not 'feel' like it. Bless You dad... we do not have to choose to be
ruled by 'feelings'... from within or by others.... but by the revealing
of YourSelf and Your revealed truth to us. Bless You we can face any
fear which would attempt to overtake us... with the faith.... peace and
joy... YOUR truth... YOU have given us to embrace as our own.
It has become my understanding:
Having freely chosen to surrender our will and purposes to Father
God for His ... our journey is partly about learning to be content
with our present moment as Dad's will, as HE reveals it ...
recognizing all will work out for the good as we lean upon Dad ...
increasingly becoming aware Satan can only have the power Dad ...
or we give him. (Let us not focus on our perceived workings of Satan... but
on what Father God is attempting to reveal as His plan... will which
will not be thwarted and we are increasingly learning to understand and
embrace as our own.) Satan's power over us was defeated... at
Calvary.... Bless You dad for revealing ... the only power Satan
has now, (lies which oppress... blind.... bind.... and seek to destroy), is
used by You as a opportunity for us to receive a
blessing as we choose to become Overcomers through Christ.
Thank You sin and death... were created to be overcome... doubt is
overcome by faith.... death with Your life... hate by Your love...
bitterness by choosing to forgive.... lies by Your truth...
war with peace... our old nature... which wars against Your will and
purposes... through Your Own life quickened within.... powerlessness
with Your power.... weakness with Your strength. Praise Your holy
name... we can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us from within.
Bless You ... faith comes through hearing Your voice dad ... and
through choosing to believe in and yielding to Your goodness and
mercy within and in our mists. Bless You we can hear You deep
within... and are empowered to overcome through the mind and life of Christ
within. Your word to us... birthed within us...
made 'alive' ... quickens... overcomes.... sets us at liberty. Bless
You we were created to overcome and to be free.... may we honor You
through our ways of being... in and through that freedom.
May I continue to
reinforce these truths for a double portion anointing ... loving Dad is about
respecting Him and thus others with our conscious choices... our actions
... or faith... listening to His heart within us leading...
encouraging..... overcoming fears and doubts... and all which binds... making
our hearts one... as we choose to believe His revealed truth to
us... surrendering our will... our limited interpretation of His truth....
our expectations... our thinking... our desires for the moment... so His
Holy Spirit within can renew the spirit of our minds. When we
choose to trust HIM... without grumbling and complaining.... without embracing
fear through words of doubt (when we have done this... Holy
Spirit thank You... no matter how much we complained and resisted ...
You have ignored us... through Your awareness deep within we desire
dad's will and ways... above our own. Thank You Holy Spirit... for
making us aware... as You have prayed through us and others ... so we can choose
to stop and think upon that which dad has said or done in our lives and
the lives of His Own ... so we can choose to think upon that which is of
a good report; Philippians 4:8: Finally,
brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever
things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise, think on these things), enabling
us to express our love to Dad.... as an act of worship... through spirit
and through truth.
Yes.. it is good for us to
come to dad.... to Jesus as King... with songs in our heart... and
dancing in our feet... together and privately... but what about other
times... when we are living our day to day lives with dad ... how do we
choose to worship Him with our lives... our thoughts.... our ways of being... do
we stand against vain imaginations and traditional ... limited thinking and
surrender to His higher purpose and thoughts... choosing them above our own?
Each of us have our own unique experiences with Dad ... as our
relationships not only with HIM but with others are developed.... having
been motivated by His love.... truth... faith ... Holy Spirit within.
May I suggest we each have the capacity to love Him and others ... and the
potential to become Who HE created us to Become as His child ... as the
Bride of Christ, through our daily choices. May I offer... the
choices we make now, determine the outcome of Who we will be for all of
eternity. Bless You dad... we are each a reflection of an aspect of
You... as one part of the body of Christ ... for others to see and
experience... Jesus having become our head... through the revealed mind
of Christ within. Bless You for giving us a love relationship with
YOU.... as the lover of our souls... thank You for loving those who need to be
loved... to life.... as we abide in Christ... ever yielding to Your
Spirit of love and truth within.