It has been my reality that the Spirit of the Lord God Almighty... the supreme Spirit... source of life that resides in all that is... our heavenly Father.... the creator of our eternal Spirits... revealed to me thus far, all has been made perfect in His eyes .... His Spirit/power was poured out on all flesh... to transform us.... causing us to ultimately become whom we are created to Be in His eyes and mind. He sees through the eyes of eternity.. and offers us His Spiritual eyes and essence through which we see His truth/mysteries revealed ... through our union with HIM and/as His son.... according to HIS power within and eternal plan for... each of us.
There is neither male nor female in Christ Jesus... for we each become Spiritual Beings... whole and complete... like our creator.... new creations... co-creators in and through Christ manifesting... imparting His Spirit... His truth..... His loving Essence.... His eternal Kingdom upon the earth.
We are the bride of Christ... a loving eternal companion who rules and reign ... births through His mind/Spirit having become one with ours... through His divine union with us .... a divine mystery ever unfolding before/within us.... through the awakening... power of the Holy Spirit within.
Our Father's Spirit in and through His creation is OMNI... omnicompetent, omnifarious, omnificent, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnium-gatherum.... even when we are unaware on a conscious level. His Spirit... Essence as our source of life... the source of all this is...... encompasses ALL ....
We each manifest a part of His wholeness as the body/bride of Christ.... through the mind/Spirit of Christ. HE is our all in all... nothing exists without Him... all exists through Him... all exists for Him... ultimately ALL is reconciled ... returned to/through Him for His name sake... through His unconditional love... for each of us. He reveals this moment by moment... as He draws us into an awareness of HimSelf and loves us and through us.
He proclaims His work to be complete ... He entered into rest... aware all is good... in all ways working out for/manifesting the good... manifesting His revealed will and understanding in unique ways for/within/through each of us.... we are all a part of His wholeness and have need of one another.... are interconnected ... all are unique and have an eternal purpose in and through HIM.... all desire to love and be loved.... our true essence Being love.
He creates us to enter into HIS rest with Him... thus we receive an deep abiding peace and joy in the mist of fiery trials of faith .... a manifested blessing... which glorifies/manifests Him in/through His creation .... His eternal plan was established at the foundations of the world when Jesus was crucified and raised for/with all of us... (for the many) crucifying the nature... self centered will of the first Adam with Him.... a good thing.... and a necessary process for our spiritual maturity and development ... imparting/raising up the life of the second Adam within and through us... with a desire for His will... (which desires the best for all) birthed within each of us... (for the many).
We as a part of His wholeness... may not in our present reality be fully aware.... or fully understand or comprehend this great work which was done in our behalf for His Kingdom and name sake .... we receive that which HE appropriates for/through us moment by moment according to His plan for us .... and the moment will come when we know that which is to be known in it's fullness.... even as we are known.... through our union with Christ and our heavenly father and His Holy Spirit alive.... awakened within.
We each as the body/bride of Christ... establishing /manifesting His Kingdom on earth... walk out the unfolding of His divine plan ... into spiritual maturity/truths ... ever enabled to receive the manifestation of that which is ours already as a child of God....and a co-creator with Him. There is indeed order in what might appear to some to be chaos. The contrast is necessary... so we can come into wholeness... into His light and become light ... His purity...His perfection ... so we can come into an awareness of our divine union and His truths ... with/through His Holy Spirit ... Essence alive within.... according to His purposes. That awareness comes about exponentially... as He draws us and ever leads us forward into His plans and eternal truths through divine grace and mercy.
The nature of the first Adam was crucified with Jesus at Calvary, because of the love HE has for each of us desiring for us to walk in HIS Spiritual purity and perfection... maturity... ever unfolding divine eternal plan .... Jesus became the firstborn from the dead .... we became the family of the second Adam.... Jesus took captivity captive... fulfilled the law of sin and death... gave us the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ as our own new way of Being and doing. ... we went from being simply living souls... (old wine skins) to life giving spirits.... (new wine skins), dad offering an awareness of His life... revelation knowledge... wisdom... understanding... transforming power in and through us.
Father God... in Christ ... reconciled the world and us unto HimSelf ... raised Jesus up with us in Him... as His heir ...... seated Him/ us with Him as joint heirs... upon the throne He ordained ... at His right hand... empowers us to rule and reign through His Spirit ... life made manifest from within .... enables us to recognize we have become a new creation... a whole new being.... no longer to be ruled by a nature which is self serving ... unaware of His will from within ...
His Holy Spirit having become our Spirit through His preordained union... made alive within by the will of God... who is in absolute control through His sovereign will for us .... reveals nothing happens by accident... we sow to the Spirit through His Essence within thus we reap from the Spirit... His Spirit of life happens to us by the will of Daddy God... Who manifests HimSelf and makes His will known .... we go with the flow and learn of Him... ourselves as His Own... receiving that which HE imparts in our ever present eternal now.
Bless You dad... for the gift of life and love... for the gift of You... and who we were created to BE and do... through You alive within... and in our midst.
In agreement with the words of Paul... the Apostle of Jesus Christ: the blessing of grace.... the gift of divine favor and influence in our hearts of our Lord Jesus Christ and its reflection in each of our lives.... gratitude, humility, peace, joy, wisdom, understanding, revelation, knowledge, truth, holiness, unconditional love and reconciliation to our Father... be with us all.
Bless You for manifesting the reality of these words... to the glory of You and Yours, Father.... thank You dad ever so much... Be blessed.... as You ever bless...
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