~ As is my custom as each new year
approaches... I ask Father... "what are your plans for the future?" Just before
the decade of the 1990's... in response to this question while in the middle of
two 40 day liquid fasts, I began to receive this vision of the future of the
church. It came through words I heard from deep within... scenes in my minds
eye... and impressions I received... as the Spirit of God spoke to my heart....
that our hearts might become one. It came in the language of the Spirit... a
language Jesus used and continues to use in my life... which for me is highly
symbolic. May I suggest that you ask the Holy Spirit to give you Father's
interpretation of it... as well as His spiritual discernment before you read
on... if it is not your habit to do so already? That which you are about to read
must be spiritually discerned.... for some it may explain what has taken place
already ... or what is taking place... or soon will. Bless You Father for ears
to hear... eyes to see... a heart to receive and the mind of Christ that we can
understand and perceive and be empowered through Your eternal Spirit. ~
While in prayer... the Spirit of the Lord gave me a vision of a Holy temple...
fully destroyed, except for the foundation. The foundation that was left
standing was the chief cornerstone... which I understood represented Jesus
Christ and God's messages which came through Him. The rest of the stones which
were left... was that which Almighty God had placed... through inspiring His
Prophets and Apostles of old and through the outpourings of His Spirit since.
I was aware a spiritual tidal wave had come in... and wiped everything else
out... as far as the eye could see... so that all which remained was God's work
and not mans. I knew the temple represented the Spirit of Christ residing in the
Bride of Christ... each individual believer. I was aware God Himself had swept
His hand over His Holy Temple... His church... and in doing so... had knocked
down that which was not in Christ's image.... but was a work of the flesh
inspired by vain imaginations and inherited traditions, rooted in fear...
legalistic teachings and not His love.
I was given understanding... the church as it was known at that time... would no
longer exist in the future. Father was unfolding His eternal plan for her... and
she was about to go through a season of weakness... even a sense of
powerlessness for some, a time of fiery trials for many... so she might be
emptied out to receive that which was coming... an outpouring of His Spirit far
greater than man has known to date.
The Holy Spirit brought to remembrance... the time of Nehemiah... where the
walls of the temple had been torn down due to idolatry... and were mere
rubble... and I thought of Nehemiah having to access the damage... before the
temple was to be rebuilt. I said... "Lord, the only protection we have from the
enemy of our Soul is You." ... I understood, this was His intention.
It was then I heard: "The time has come for the Spirit of the Lord Himself to
fill His Holy Temple ... His Bride ... that she might become one with her
Bridegroom through their union. Judgment has come against her 'body'... to
purify and transform her through fire. The season for her to grow as an adult
has come... she is to put away childish things, of which many have become idols
and hinder her growth.
No longer do I want to hear her cry out 'we need to get back to the way the
early church was'... that was her infancy.. and those who have come before her
are becoming idols in her eyes.... It is time for her to grow and become mature
as the Bride of Christ, adorned for her husband. It became clear through the
Spirit of God within me... that the ways we've seen things done in the past are
over... for they are limited, compared to that which HE alone would bring into
being. I understood HE would be bringing forth a new breed of Apostles and
Prophets... for His purpose alone. I knew when those called to their roles were
sent forth... after having gone through a time of consecrations and
transformation... alone with HIM... it would not be in the ways we think... or
have become use to. Even the mark of the Apostles and Prophets... signs and
wonders and miracles... had not yet been conceptualized in the mind of man. Our
limited concept of their office... their call... their function... will be
changed ... such prevents a work of the flesh from arising in man's efforts to
duplicate that which HE alone can bring into being.
In order for this to be brought about... His Bride was being called, like
Nehemiah to look at the rubble before her... and to assess the damage and to
pray and abide in His love... remembering His promises... which would bring her
into HIS manifest Presence.
It was then... through His Spirit... I remembered Adam and Eve in the garden. I
came to understand... through the nature of the fall... they and their
descendants had built their own temple... which was tainted with fleshly
understanding.... the nature of man. I was aware... that through the generations
since Christ... His Bride had gone through a fleshy, so to speak, stage of
building the temple... by faith.... she had done that which she thought she was
supposed to do... with an earnest heart.
Through His love for her... God's Spirit had come... and by His Spirit HE was
returning her to His enclosed garden. I saw she had been brought to maturity and
was ready to be given to her Bridegroom that they might become one.
He showed me the garden she had been taken from... it was polluted. I asked,
"Why is her garden polluted?"
He replied, "Her garden had been a public garden... exposed for all to come
through. She has chosen to abide there... that others may partake of the work of
her hands... rather than abiding in My garden that we may drink of living waters
and flow together."
It was then I saw a great 'body' of people crying to the Lord for forgiveness
for the sins of the world... abortion, drugs, porno and the like. This body was
running to and fro... carrying many issues... making demands... pointing
fingers... and commanding: "Keep God's Laws".
Grieved... Father spoke and said: "She has forgotten from where she came... she
was saved through My grace. She has forgotten, I and I alone give her power to
keep My law. How can she expect others to do that which she can only do through
the grace of My Spirit awakened within her? She has forgotten only My Holy
Spirit can convict someone of their sin and of My love. She has forgotten she is
to preach the good news of the gospel of the Kingdom. She has forgotten, she is
to allow me to raise up My standard through her lifestyle of my living through
her as she dies to the old... that she might find a new life hid in Christ,
through our union. As she does... those who are lost will see and be drawn to My
love. She has forgotten she was created to walk in My love."
I saw deep within my Spirit... this 'body' was not yet fully separate from the
flesh nature... from the world's way of thinking and being, as He said to me, "I
hear many who cry from among them... repeatedly begging me: 'Lord, we've humbled
ourselves and repented... Heal our land!' Yet some who cry out... are not
repenting for their own sin... but for the sins of the world... of those they
see as separate from themselves, they are afraid My judgment will come upon
them... because of the sins of another.... they do not yet know Me in my
fullness. Did I not protect my people in the land of Goshen when my judgments
exposed the false God's of Egypt? Because this body cannot see... their own
sin... I am exposing sin among their own.... through their leaders, for judgment
begins in the household of God.... and if I do not bring in My light... the
blind will continue to lead the blind. Come out from among them lest you become
one with their sin."
Suddenly, His Spirit burned within me a greater awareness of... His desires to
heal our land... our private lives... a greater awareness of His work which had
already begun and would come to fruition through the ways He knew were best...
ways we might not understand, but ways we could trust He would work out for the
good in the end.
It was then I became aware of the sins of many... rooted in unbelief... which
resulted in lies... abuse... perversion... hate... death... fear and other dark
deeds of the heart and I heard the Lord say: "I have turned them over to their
own will... to a reprobate mind, that they might come to the end of themselves
and choose life and it more abundantly through Christ. I do not desire the
generation of those who would remain in darkness... and inner turmoil to prosper
in their present state. Do they not have a choice... is not my law written
within their hearts... within their conscience... that they might discern good
from evil? Can they not return to ME and My ways... and repent whenever they are
convicted by My love... of the grace I offer them? When they do... My Bride must
be ready... she must be a city of refuge... a city set upon My Holy Mountain for
all to see my indwelling Presence... as I draw them back to Me and nurture and
love them through my Bride."
The scene changed and in my spirit I saw His Bride was then brought to an
enclosed garden... an abiding place, where she was separated... to become alone
with her Bridegroom... so their love might grow... and transform her... and
others through their union.
As she entered the garden prepared for her... I saw the Angel of the Lord
standing there... guarding the entrance... with a fiery sword in hand. He
smiled... and presented it to her.. and said: "Now the two shall become as one."
This garden instantly changed into a bridal chamber... it became a garden of
life... where spiritual children would come forth through her time alone in
intimacy with her spouse.... as they supped together on the food HE had prepared
for her.
When the scene changed before me... I became one with her in the spirit realm
and I knew her heart; Upon entering... and taking sword in hand... she was
impressed immediately how much she was not one with her bridegroom. In her
passion to give Him her whole self she was grieved that she had not received
more of Him in return.... So much love yet to be given... she thought. She had
spent years with Him... yet... they were not as a couple who through years of
intimately knowing one another knew the others next thought and intent, without
having to ask. She had become aware of her need for their love to grow and
mature.... through a deeper union. She recognized her love had been based upon
feelings of excitement and delight in discovering His love... and all it
offered... yet her sorrow quickly changed to joy and she understood... she had
been brought to this place of abiding in HIS eternal love... by Him... and no
matter what happened, all would be well with her Soul, for this had been a part
of His plan all along.
She cried out, "If it pleases You my love... awaken our love anew... stir up our
love my Lord... that the two of us shall surely walk as ONE through our union."
Immediately, I saw Him building His Holy Temple ... The Lord God Almighty and
the Lamb as His Temple ... it soon became her abiding place of rest... His
secret place of eternal light and love for her.
She was resting in His love... it had been His only requirement.
By His abilities... and His grace alone.. she would watch HIM build the temple,
with complete trust... as only HE and HE alone knew it was to be done. Then
truly... when the capstone was finally set in place... she would shout, "Grace!
Grace!", for indeed with grace and grace alone it would be accomplished through
the two having become ONE.
Next, I became aware... God Himself was raising up Apostles and Prophets... who
would be going forth with His unlimited power... called like John the Baptist...
and Elijah... as witnesses to His own.... and those who would respond to His
love... calling for repentance... and openness... "The Kingdom of God has
come... it is here among you... destroy your idols... open your Spirits to His
love anew... a double portion anointing has been released... the early rains and
the latter rains have arrived together. Receive that which His Spirit offers
you... look no longer to man... Receive from His Spirit awakened within you."
It was then I understood His Bride... would answer His call to come away... so
she could be alone with Him... that she would receive from His Spirit directly,
no longer putting her trust in a man or man's system.
Through the uniting of their hearts... she would accept and embrace those who
are lost... as seeds within the womb of life... yet to be brought forth... in
His timing.... through His ways... birthed through love and a deep peace from
I knew... and understood.... Christ Himself... would be Lord with His Bride at
His side... through their Spiritual union... for His Spirit had brought her to
the place of wanting it so, through love...